Romanticism is a literary movement which was prevalent in Europe between 1770 and 1848, and was a reaction to the Enlightenment. It was particularly important in Britain with a first generation of poets such as Wordsworth, Coleridge, Burns and Blake and later by a second generation of young men who died prematurely such as Byron, Shelley and Keats. Those of the second generation were great travellers and all three died overseas. It is particularly Lord Byron, who represents the Romantic idea of revolution and nationalism and in fact he died in his pursuit of Greek independence in 1824. His poetry was even more appreciated in foreign countries than in Britain itself and was particularly popular among Russian, Polish and Ukrainian poets who at the time were trying to free themselves from the yoke of imperial domination from Petrine Russia. Byron wrote a long and romantic narrative poem, Mazeppa, in 1819 in which he tells of the brutal trials of love and war by the Hetman of the Ukraine. The tale itself is founded in the work of Voltaire, Charles XII, the king of Sweden. In this course we would like to trace the development of Romanticism, particularly in its nationalist and nativist aspects and also to read selections from Byron’s poem. After each lecture there will be at least twenty minutes for questions or discussions.(講師・記) ・授業は英語で行います。
ウィリアム・ ゲーター:元東京大学講師 1942年カナダ・ハミルトン生まれ。国籍は、英国に祖を持つBritish-Canadian(発音はイギリス英語です)。1966年マックマスター大学卒業。1976年来日、聖心女子大で英語講師。1980年モントリオール大学で言語学の博士号を取得。1979年から2004年まで東京大学で英語講師。2008年立教大学特任教授。専門は、認識言語学、歴史言語学、比喩とことわざなど。
GoogleMeet(ブラウザはGoogleChrome推奨)を使用した、教室でもオンラインでも受講できる自由選択講座です(講師は教室)。見逃し配信はありません。お問合せはasaculonline001@asahiculture.comで承ります。 ・教室は変わる場合があります。10階と11階の変更もあります。当日の案内表示をご確認ください。