In this course, the very important are of persuasion will be analyzed. In everyday life this process is extremely vital, particularly in commerce, personal affairs, politics etc. It has a very long history in Western culture and formed one part of the so-called “trivium” or three subjects in all schools. They were grammar, logic and rhetoric. The subject of rhetoric will be divided into three sections as follows. 15th April A short history of rhetoric and how it was used in schools to give speeches and write essays. Even today, the “speech” contests in many schools follow the old patterns of rhetoric, including voice, gestures and the use of “schemes” and “tropes” now normally called “figures of speech”. 20th May In this course, the many “schemes” of rhetoric will be discussed. There are many schemes and some of them have difficult names, but in fact are quite common ways of using literary language. In poetry, rhyme and alliteration and others such as zeugma, chiasmus etc. are very common in elegant speech. 17th June The last class will be concerned with the most important trope of all, i.e. metaphor. This trope which is so common in poetry is also a basic element in every day speech and is found in all languages. It forms the basis of many expressions and much vocabulary in English. ・授業は英語で行います。
ウィリアム・ ゲーター:元東京大学講師 1942年カナダ・ハミルトン生まれ。国籍は、英国に祖を持つBritish-Canadian(発音はイギリス英語です)。1966年マックマスター大学卒業。1976年来日、聖心女子大で英語講師。1980年モントリオール大学で言語学の博士号を取得。1979年から2004年まで東京大学で英語講師。2008年立教大学特任教授。専門は、認識言語学、歴史言語学、比喩とことわざなど。
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